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April 28, 2022

Barclay Damon Live: Labor & Employment Podcast—"What to Do When the DOL Is Knocking at Your Door: Audits Under Federal Law, Part 1"

In episode 21 of Barclay Damon Live: Labor & Employment Podcast, host Ari Kwiatkowski welcomes another Barclay Damon colleague, Ben Wilkinson, to discuss US Department of Labor (DOL) audits. The first part of this multi-part series gives an overview of the DOL and what the agency oversees and enforces, including the Fair Labor Standards Act. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the DOL’s Office of Inspector General, and its Wage and Hour Division (WHD) are also under the DOL umbrella. The WHD’s responsibilities include conducting audits to ensure minimum-wage compliance, and Ben and Ari discuss what types of employers are likely to be targeted. The series then goes further into how employers can respond to an audit and looks at the New York State DOL and its purview.


Barclay Damon Live podcast transcripts and captions are automatically generated through artificial intelligence, and the texts may not have been thoroughly reviewed. The authoritative record of Barclay Damon Live programming is the audio file.

This material is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice or a legal opinion, and no attorney-client relationship has been established or implied. Thanks for listening.

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